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We have 7.8 billions inhabitants on earth, and 2 billions are known as Christians which tells us there is still a great work to do for the Gospel to reach many as we wait for the second coming of Jesus. But this work cant be done by our self, partner with us today so that together we can reach many for the sake of the kingdom of God

How you can help us

Pray for the Ministry

Pray for the Ministry

In our ministry we are fully dependent on God. It is for his honor and his kingdom. Therefore, we need prayers to continue his work. Click here to find out how to pray for us.


Share the Ministry

Our ministry is about reaching people: Christians as well as Non-Christians. If you know anybody who can benefit from the ministry, share our contents with them

Here you will find materials and possibilities to do that.

Donate for the Ministry

Unfortunately, in this world, nothing works without money. We need money to put our projects into action.

Check here how you can donate and how we use the money.

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