Who We Are

About Me
I am Japhet Mkondya, a bible teacher, author, musician and friend of the Holy Spirit. It’s such a blessing to be called on a mission for the sake of the kingdom of God. My passion is to see many receiving Jesus to be their personal saviour and living a glorious life which God intended for his church to live. By the grace of God, I committed myself to serve God through teaching and preaching the word of God in different places across nations. Through this journey with Jesus, I have developed the passion for seeing the church of Jesus Christ walking in the same way how the first Church walked in the Book of Acts. This has led me to host different prayer gatherings, bible seminars and evangelistic movements. As a result, am leading different prayer camps across the globe working with people who are really committed and have the passion to see the Gospel of the kingdom of God reach many. I believe in God who loves everyone and that he is still calling everyone to repent(Mathew 4.17) so that they may receive the eternal life found in Christ Jesus (John 3:16). As I have been entrusted by the Heavenly Father to lead  Japhet Mkondya ministries; it’s my belief that whatever God has started he shall finish it.

About Us

What's the Ministry about
We are a non-denomination ministry, end-time mission workers, whose aim is to reach the world for the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and for the sake of the kingdom of God. As we have been given the great commission (Mathew 28:16-20, Mark 15:16-17), our task is to respond to it and make sure we do the work of the one who had sent us while it’s still daytime. Our ministry is defined through three major areas which are seeking the lost, equipping the saints and preparing the church for the second coming of Jesus Christ. As we began to walk in this ministry with the Lord we have seen many coming to Christ, people been healed and this is the confirmation of the words from our saviour Jesus Christ when he said: „I am with you always, even to the end of the age“ (Matthew 28:20b).

What does the Ministry do
Since 2014 We have devoted ourselves to the Lord by conducting crusades in Africa. We started in Tanzania and organized indoor seminars. Later on, we went to Europe and aim to reach South American countries; with the goal to equip the saints for the work of the ministry. By the help of the Holy Spirit, We have been providing Gospel materials like bibles, Books to the missionaries across the globe, Which can help them during outreaches. Our motivation is to see people reading and living Gods Word because we know that too less Christians have access to God's Word. Our aim is to reach many as the Lord is still helping as to do so, We are here to speak plainly that our ministry depends on the Holy Spirit hundred percent. We follow what he says, and do what he tells as to do. The grace of God has been poured out to everyone through Christ Jesus and everyone is supposed to hear these Good News. Therefore we are called for the unreached, unloved and those who are forgotten. we warmly welcome you for partnering with us, so that together we can reach many as God enables us. May the Lord Jesus Christ bless you.
Our Believe
We believe in God.
God is almighty and only one. There is no other God beside him.
We believe that God appears in three persons.
We believe in God the Father.
God is the creator and in the beginning, he created heaven and earth and everything visible and invisible.
We believe in Jesus Christ.
Jesus is incarnated God, God became a human in Jesus. He was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary. He is fully human and fully God. He lived without sin and died for our sins on the cross. But he conquered death and rose up from death. He is our only saviour and the only way to the father. He will return and erect his eternal kingdom.
We believe in the Holy Spirit.
He dwells in every true Christian and convicts our sins.
God has given us the Holy Spirit who teaches us and leads us into holiness. He helps us in our weaknesses and gives us strength for our life in Christ. He intercedes us in prayers.
We believe in the Bible.
It is the only word of God and it is absolutely true. It is inspired by the Holy Spirit and is without error. We believe that the bible is the final authority which shows us how God is and how we are and how we are supposed to be.
We believe in the Gospel.
Human is created by God and is created to have a relationship with God but we have sinned against God. Sin leads us into death which means absolutely separation from God and being lost. We believe that Jesus came on earth to restore this relationship. He proclaimed the word of God and a new beginning and a new covenant. We believe that he died on the cross and that we have salvation through him. It is only by grace and the blood of Jesus. Everybody who believes in the Gospel must repent their sins so that a new life to be established in them, and who allows Jesus to come into their lives, is born again and is a child of God. The children of God have salvation through Jesus and will live eternally in heaven.
We believe in the saints‘ communion.
In the holy church of Jesus Christ which is unity in the whole world. We believe that Christians are called to proclaim the Gospel and that Christians encourage each other in faith. We believe that we pursue holiness and that everyone is given their own gifts which they should glorify God in heaven and serve humans, especially Christians.
We believe in the Mission.
As we have received grace and eternal life, we believe that everybody needs to hear this Good News. By showing actively our faith and by living the word of God, we carry the mission that Jesus has given us in Mathew 28:16-20 (Great commission) and spread the Gospel to all nations.